My name is Dr. Wahaj Anees from Peshawar, Pakistan a dental graduate of 2016. I have completed my Masters in Forensic Odontology from the University of Dundee, UK in 2021.
This website was created in order to aid future dentists in training related to reporting and identification of head and neck injuries commonly seen in cases of child abuse. According to research, more than half of the child abuse cases have head and neck injuries, which is the region of a human body dentists are concerned with.
Dr. Wahaj Anees BDS, MFoDont
I have been presenting lectures/talks and delivering training in Europe, Asia and North/ South America. Since 2012, I have been actively deployed to international disasters in Africa and Europe. In January 2016, I was appointed Lecturer in Forensic Odontology at the University of Dundee. Currently, I am the program Lead of the postgraduate courses and I supervise MSc, MFOdont, and PhD researchers.
Dr. Scheila Manica DDS, MSc(For Od), PhD
I am a forensic odontologist involved with research, teaching and practice. My main fields of interest include the use of imaging and anatomical knowledge for human identification, age estimation and bite mark analysis. I dedicated my career to forensic dentistry, and trained at specialization, master, doctoral and postdoctoral levels. Currently, i am a Lecturer of forensic dentistry at the University of Dundee, UK.
Dr. Ademir Franco DDS, MSc(For Od), PhD